Thursday, February 13, 2025
General pet carePet Health

6 Human Foods You CAN’T Feed Dogs

6-Human-Foods-Dogs-Can-Eat-2 copyOur recent post about what scraps your dog can handle has been seeing a lot of chatter. So we decided to follow up with an important message about feeding your pup people food – or just leaving it around the house.

Here are six of the foods you should never let Fido get a hold of.


Especially baker’s chocolate, the most dangerous type for dogs to ingest.


Though this is definitely one of our favorite human foods, a dog’s body won’t react the same way ours do. Toxicosis can be caused by both caffeine and theobromine, two compounds in the cocoa treat.

These compounds are part of a group of chemicals known as methylxanthines, which can cause vomiting, restlessness, muscle tremors, seizures and even death in dogs.

In short – we know they’d probably love a spoonful of Ben and Jerry’s, but don’t give it to them. Save it for yourself!

Grapes or Raisins

Some dogs might not develop any issues from this fruit, but it’s truly not worth the risk – because some can develop life-threatening illnesses with just a few gobbles.

Symptoms of toxicosis from grapes include vomiting, lethargy and dehydration. Kidney failure can develop and cause death within a few days. If a dog experiences intoxication and survives, long-term kidney issues can still persist. Let’s just forget the grapes, shall we?


Really, we’re not sure why you’d want to feed your dog alcohol anyway. But just in case you ever leave a whiskey-eggnog on the counter, it’s good to know this tip.

Dogs are much more sensitive to ethanol than humans are, and as such, can become intoxicated quickly and intensely. Even cold medicines that contain a slight bit of alcohol can induce this intoxication.

Not cool.
Not cool.

Symptoms include loss of coordination and disorientation. If the dog is severely intoxicated, death can occur. Mild signs of alcohol intoxication (which are very similar to human reactions, though more intense) should indicate that your pet needs to be monitored by a vet throughout recovery.

On top of the actual intoxication factor, beer is especially unsavory for dogs, as Hops are another life threatening no-no.

Garlic or Onion (Especially Powders)

If ingested in large amounts by a dog, any kind of member of the garlic/onion family could have an adverse effect. But concentrated products like soup or powders are especially scary. Damage to the dogs’ red blood cells could occur.

Added benefit to not feeding your dog onions and garlic: less stinky dog breath.


This one is so, so important. It’s incredibly easy for a dog to raid your purse and find a pack of gum, or to pick up a sugar-free candy from the dish. If your dog does ingest xylitol in any form, you must consult a veterinarian immediately.

For us, xylitol doesn’t do much to our blood sugar levels. But for dogs, it can cause them to plummet. Pups could become totally disoriented and begin having seizures less than 30 minutes after consumption, though sometimes symptoms are delayed. Ingesting large amounts can lead to liver failure and death.

We hate using fear to make a point, but in this case it’s appropriate to be concerned. Never, ever leave sugar-free gum or treats anywhere a dog could reach them. If you suspect your dog has ingested these, don’t mess around. Get them to the doc!

Raw Bread Dough

Or any product like this that contains live yeast, which could expand in your dog’s tummy and result in tissue death and breathing issues. Further, ingestion of yeast can produce alcohols which lead to intoxication. See above for our description of alcohol intoxication symptoms – and then see a vet for good measure!

Please note: This list is not comprehensive. If you are unsure about what to feed your dog and what you must avoid, please consult the ASPCA website.

Have you ever had a scary food experience with your pup? Share your story on our Facebook page; we’d love to talk about it.