Saturday, March 8, 2025
General Pet Health

Flea and Tick Season is Here!

By Ashley Watson

flea-and-tick-seasonHere in Vermont, the weather is finally heating up, which means that people and pets are spending more time outside. It also means that it’s time to start thinking about flea and tick season. You can help keep them at bay this summer with a few simple tips, along with using Pet Naturals’ Flea + Tick products.

Don’t Invite Ticks to Your Home

By controlling the environment on your property, you can help discourage ticks from coming into your yard and home. Ticks thrive in moist areas, so try to maintain a tidy yard with proper drainage. Here are some ways you can do this:

  • Clean up piles of old leaves and other yard debris.
  • Mow your yard often and get rid of weeds and tall grasses.
  • Create a barrier between your yard and wooded areas with gravel or similar landscaping material.
  • Clean up any fallen birdseed around bird feeders to discourage deer and other animals that may carry ticks into your yard.
  • Place compost piles and containers away from the home (this also helps keep skunks away from your home).
  • Stack wood piles neatly, and keep the wood elevated and as dry as possible.
  • Create a natural slope with the soil in your yard to help direct rainwater and runoff away from the home and recreational areas.

flea-and-tick-for-dogsIt’s also important to check your dogs and outdoor cats for ticks once a day during the spring and summer. Run your hands through the fur and thoroughly check their entire body, especially around the head and behind the ears. If you do find a tick, make sure you know how to properly remove it. You can purchase special tools to safely remove a tick, or ask your Vet for some tips.

Flea and Tick Repellant

Now is the perfect time to start thinking about getting some flea and tick repellant. One of the easiest ways to keep these pests off of your pets is with Pet Naturals’ exclusive Flea + Tick products. Our products come in wipes or a spray for your convenience, and they are made from natural materials that are safe for your pet and the environment. Flea + Tick for dogs is made with natural oils that repel both fleas and ticks.

You can also use the spray on couches, beds, carpets, or other furnishings where fleas like to hang out. Don’t forget about the wipes! Wipes are super convenient, can be kept in your car, tossed in your backpack and can be used daily on both you and your pet!

How do you plan to ward off fleas and ticks this summer? Find us on Facebook to share your comments and continue the conversation!