Toxic Household Items for Pets
Did you know that most pet poisonings occur in the home accidentally? March is Poison Prevention Awareness Month, and it’s important to keep all toxic items away and out of reach of pets. Look out for signs of exposure to toxins in your pet like breathing irregularity, diarrhea, vomiting, agitation, or heart issues. Seek medical attention right away if you suspect that your pet has ingested a toxic item. Here are some household toxins to keep away from your pets:

1. Medications & Prescriptions
Many medications can be extremely dangerous to your pet if ingested, especially in large amounts. Make sure all medications are kept in child proof containers and out of reach of pets. Dangerous medications include Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, ADHD, antidepressants, heart medications, cold medications, herbal supplements, sleep aids, hormones, thyroid medications, birth control, vitamins, and allergy medications.

2. Chemicals & Objects
These items are toxic and can also be a choking hazard for pets. Sometimes pets will eat things because they like the texture and not necessarily the taste. Make sure to keep these items in cabinets, the garage, or the basement where they can’t be easily accessed by your pet when unsupervised. Items include antifreeze, batteries, foam insulation, foil, paint, paint thinner, drain cleaner, glue, coins, cleaning chemicals, dryer sheets, soaps, bleach, and toilet tank drop-ins.

3. Dangerous Foods
Just because what you’re eating is safe for you doesn’t mean it’s safe for your pet! Toxic foods include chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, coffee, yeasted dough, artificial sweeteners, xylitol, avocados, macadamia nuts, tomatoes, dairy products, salty foods, meat drippings, and mushrooms.

4. Plants
Spring is here, along with some toxic plants to keep your fur friends away from. Some toxic indoor and outdoor plants include azalea, daffodils, hyacinth, lilies, tulips, pothos, ivy, autumn crocus, foxglove, poinsettia, sago palm, aloe vera, etc. Get a printable list of toxic plants from ASPCA.

5. Alcohol & Tobacco Products
Any kind of nicotine or alcohol can make your pet extremely ill. Some dogs or cats seek out alcohol or tobacco products, so it is important to keep these items out of reach. Be sure to keep an eye out when taking your dog for a walk and avoid any cigarette butts left on the ground. Keep substances like liquor, wine, beer, e-cigarette liquid, nicotine patches, cigarettes, and cigars away from your pet

6. Outdoor Toxins
The temperatures are warming up and that means more time spent outside! It’s important to be mindful of outdoor toxins that could be used in your yard or garden and keep pets away. Some outdoor toxins include pool chemicals, mushrooms, fertilizers, tar, insecticide, herbicides, compost, sunscreen, blue-green algae, bone meal, fireworks, mulch, or bait traps.
There are many toxic substances in and around the home that are dangerous for pets. If your pet has ingested a toxic substance, seek immediate medical attention. If you think your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, call Animal Poison Control at (888) 426-4435 right away.
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