Tuesday, October 22, 2024
General Pet HealthHealthy CatsSupplements

Why Should You Bring Your Cat to the Vet?

We love our cats like family, but taking them to the vet is hardly the best part of pet parenting. In fact, it’s downright stressful, especially during the pandemic. But, an annual check-up with a veterinarian is critical for maintaining your furry friend’s health and well-being. Since August 22nd is National Bring Your Cat to the Vet Day, it’s a great chance to schedule your cat’s annual vet visit to make sure they’re “feline fine”. Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn’t wait to bring your cat to the vet.

1.Cats Can Hide Discomfort  

Cats often mask health issues unlike their canine counterparts who bark and whine at the first sign of unease. As a result, cats can develop a serious health condition long before you’re even aware of it. Since cats are experts at concealing discomfort, they require a physical examination from a veterinarian who can detect any subtle physical or behavioral changes that may indicate disease.

2. No Signs of Health Issues

Cats not only disguise discomfort but many common health conditions are actually asymptomatic. Even the most diligent cat owner may not be able to identify certain health issues like immune, upper respiratory and heart conditions. A veterinarian can properly evaluate your cat from nose to tail and perform necessary blood work and tests to determine their health status. By doing so, you may even be able to catch a health condition before it worsens.

Tip: Leave your carrier out so your cat has a chance to get used to it before their appointment

3. Cat Obesity is a Growing Problem

Almost 60% of cats are classified as overweight or obese in the U.S., according to a 2018 study conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. Obesity can shorten their lifespan as it puts cats at a greater risk for disease. The good news is that obesity is preventable. That’s why it’s important to bring your cat into their veterinarian for a regular check-up. The vet will perform a physical examination to make sure your cat maintains a healthy weight. They’ll also make recommendations to improve your kitty’s diet and overall health.

4. Brush Up on Dental Health

Dental health conditions are the most common problems facing cats below 10 years old, according to the American Association of Feline Practitioners. But, oral health issues are always a challenge for owners to identify since cats continue to eat and maintain a healthy appetite when dealing with a dental health condition. The solution? Bring your cat into a veterinarian who can evaluate your kitty’s dental health before more serious issues take root.

5. Senior Cats Need Extra Love

Aging cats or those with chronic conditions may actually require more than one annual vet visit. It’s no surprise that senior and geriatric cats face more health problems than younger ones. Think your favorite feline is slowing down or losing a little power in their pounce? Your vet can determine whether it’s a sign of a joint health condition and may recommend a supplement like Pet Naturals’ Hip+Joint. Let a veterinarian properly assess your aging cat to keep them healthy and cuddled up next to you for years to come!

We know that bringing your cat to the vet is a stressful experience for everyone involved. But, you can make it a little easier by giving your kitty a Calming chew 30 minutes before your next vet visit. Calming will help your cat relax in the car and at the clinic to reduce the stress of your annual vet visit. So, what are you waiting for? Call your veterinarian to schedule a check-up right meow!